New Skate Product Updates

Griptape, New Skate Product, Rocket Longboards, Seismic -

If you're as lucky as me... ...then the exact moment a regional newspaper photographer points his camera at you, will be the moment your griptape fails you. The wet muddy streets lately reminded me of this... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, New Skate Product, Timber Boards -

Did you know That nearly every Axolotl in Europe is descended from the same female imported from Mexico in 1863? That makes her the daddy. In the case of the beautiful skateboard in the above photo, the father is similarly traceable - this time... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, New Skate Product, Sabre Trucks -

You can't rush art. OK, I did rush this editing and I wouldn't necessarily call it art... But the point stands! And carving is an art form. ... Read more

New Skate Product, Powell Peralta, Randomness -

🐉 It's a common question in the shop: I want a cruiser that I can also take to the skatepark - what wheels should I get? The trouble is, everything that makes a soft wheel great across town means they feel sluggish, slippery and... Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, New Skate Product, Pantheon Longboards -

Long before he was Jeff from Pantheon... He was Jeff. Not "just" Jeff, because he's one of those people. We all know one. Naturally athletic, frustratingly casual in his good looks, an accomplished cellist. The point of this newsletter is that we're now stocking... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, New Skate Product -

  I touched on this a few weeks back after dressing up as a robot, but really it deserves it's own post. We love new stock arriving... but it is not all equal. One brand stands head and shoulders above the rest:... Read more

Hackbrett longboards, Loaded Longboards, Lush Longboards, New Skate Product -

Precision noun The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. LONGBOARD Product, especially trucks, designed to the highest level of accuracy, guaranteeing smoother turns, more stability and dopamine of previously unattainable levels.   And it's not only the dopamine that's more attainable... Read more

Landyachtz, New Skate Product -

There's this bloke called Tom who runs this company called Landyachtz Longboards. He designs product, skates when he wants, and has all the coffee he needs in his office. He's come a long way from his days of being a Canadian lumberjack... He was a smart feller.... Read more

Loaded Longboards, New Skate Product -

*And bio-resin... and sexy nylon snowboard topsheets! They've got the hottest riders in America... ...the most high-tech, juicy snowboard construction out of Dubai... ...wicked digital art graphics out of Barcelona... But they still needed a name. Don and Pablo of Loaded... Read more